Malawi 2-0Ethiopia
Prediction 0-0 prediction
Prediction Malawi 2-1 Ethiopia prediction๐ฏ
Prediction 2-1 prediction๐ฏ
Prediction Malawi 1-1 Ethiopia prediction
In Case You don't know... Malawi National football team record ๐ Ethiopia...
โถ Game Won 3 โถ Game Drawn 6 โถ Game Lost 3 My Prediction
Malawi 2-0 Ethiopia prediction
Malawi 2:0 Ethiopia prediction
Malawi 2-0 ethiopia...if i win i will donate the ticket to anyone from Lz since i'm in blantyre..i will give transport ndiyodyela yake prediction
Prediction 3-1 prediction
Prediction 0 - 0 prediction
Prediction2:1 prediction๐ฏ
Prediction 1-0 prediction
Prediction: 2-0 prediction
Prediction 1:0 prediction
Prediction 2:0