CORRECT prediction. Congrats @tamandani.wa.kamkuzi
Live 0-0
HT 0-0
30' 0-0
Bullets Starting XI: R. Chiyenda G. Chirwa, C. Petro, N. Nyasulu, P. Sambani, C. Kayira (C), C. Idana, M. Mkwate, P. Banda, H. Hassan Kajoke, C. Msowoya.
Prediction Beforward wanderers 0-2 Nyasa Big Bullents prediction
1-2 in favour of NBB
1-0 manoma winning the match prediction
Prediction 1-2 prediction
Prediction prediction Noma 2 bb 1 prediction
Prediction Nomads 2 bby 1
Prediction 1_0 prediction
B F W 0-0 NYASA B B prediction๐ฏ
NBB 2:1 BFW prediction
Prediction 0-1 prediction
Prediction 2-2 prediction
big 1-1 bef prediction
2-0 prediction