90'| 6 minutes has been added to the clock. Still 1-1
Live| 15 minutes to go of the 90 to play. Bullets attack in the flank right through Mgwira. 1-1
Live| Babatunde and Precious Phiri paves way for Mgwira and Seleman (Bullets). Still 1-1
65'| Bullets wins first corner in the second half. Fodya takes it but well defended by MAFCO defenders. Still 1-1
Aftar 90 3:1
50'| Attempt missed. Babatunde's (Bullets) right footed shot goes wide. It was a clear goal scoring opportunity for the home team. 1-1
46'| Second half underway at Kamuzu Stadium. Bullets 1-1 MAFCO
45'| 1 minute added to the clock. MAFCO wins a free-kick in the attacking half, in the edge of the penalty box. But well defended by Bullets. Still 1-1
Live| The visitor's (MAFCO) have dominated the play, good football from the Salima based team. Still 0-1
Nyasa big bullets 2-1 Mafco
5 minutes gone, 0-0.
Prediction: 2-1 prediction
NBB 3-MAFCO 1 prediction
Bullets 2 _1 mafco prediction
1 bb : 0 Mafco prediction
Prediction 1-1 prediction๐ฏ
Prediction: 2-0 prediction
Prediction 2-1 prediction
Prediction Nyasa Big Bullets 3-1MAFCO prediction