MOTM: F. Mlimbika
90'| 3 minutes added time at Kamuzu Stadium, KB are trailing 2-0 against Wanderers.
60'| KB makes their first change of the game.
OUT: Ben Issa IN: Sam Gunda
55'| Nice play in the Frank right from the Nomads, Vitumbiko Kumwenda sets a through pass to Yamikani Chester; Chester shots, it hits the goalpost. Still 2-0.
46' 2-0 (V. Nyangulu 28', B. Kaipa 37')
HT 2-0 (V. Nyangulu 28', B. Kaipa 37')
37'| Wanderers wins a free-kick in KB half, its were the first goal came from. Mlimbika to take it again, fires in a cross and Kaipa scores to make 2-0.
28'| Nyangulu heads-in Francis Mlimbika set-piece to make it 1-0, Nomads in the lead.
17'| Wanderers wins a free-kick in the edge of 18-yard box, Mlimbika takes it but well blocked by Kamuzu Barracks defenders, still 0-0.
1'| We're underway at Kamuzu Stadium, Wanderers 0-0 Kamuzu Barracks. prediction
Prediction 1-2 prediction
Prediction 1-1 prediction
Prediction 2-0 prediction๐ฏ
Prediction 1-0 prediction
Prediction 2 - 2 prediction
Prediction: 2-1 prediction