70'| Attempt missed! Babatunde's left footed shot goes over the bar. Still 3-0
Live| 5 minutes to go before the break. Bullets leading comfortably, 3-0
# home goal 2 by "Babatunde Adepoju" at 17
Goall!!!! Nyasa Big Bullets 2 (Patrick Mwaungulu 12', Babatunde Adepoju 17'), Silver Strikers 0. Babatunde Adepoju heads-in Mwaungulu's set-piece to double the lead.
10'| Attempt missed! Silver Striker with first chance of the game through Striker Stain Davie. His right footed shot goes over the bar. Still goalless
3'| The hosts enjoying possession so far. Silver Strikers are yet to settle down. Still 0-0
1'| First half begins. Nyasa Big Bullets 0, Silver Strikers 0.
Prediction 2-1 prediction
Nyasa Big Bullets starting XI against Silver Strikers| Chimbamba; Mpokera, Wali, Sambani, Idana, Petro, Chirwa, Babatunde, Nkhoma, Simbi and Mwaungulu.
Silver Strikers starting XI against Nyasa Big Bullets| Thom; M. Fodya, Shema, Mwase, Muyila, Kamanga, Tembo, Kalima, Ng'andu, Davie and Kaonga.
Prediction 1-2 prediction
Prediction: 2-0 prediction
Prediction 0-0 prediction
Prediction 3-1 prediction๐ฏ
Prediction: 2-1 prediction
Prediction 2-0 prediction
Prediction 0:0 prediction
Prediction 3-2 prediction